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Strategic insights & tips by Nina Field

Jan 224 min read
Bunkai - What martial arts can teach us about learning the art of strategic thinking
Let me tell you about a moment that really stood out for me during one of my programs. It provided the perfect metaphor for how I see the...

Dec 12, 20243 min read
Tips for being strategic about your last week of work
This has been my Christmas/end of year subscriber email for the last two years. A hard deadline like the end of the year forces us to...

Oct 31, 20244 min read
Elevator Thinking: Levelling Up
Imagine you have an elevator that instead of taking you to different floors in a building, can move your thinking up and down different...

Sep 26, 20243 min read
Goal Clarity
I got challenged recently by one of the participants on my Strategic Thinker Development Programme. Â I love having switched-on people...

Aug 19, 20246 min read
Navigating complexity with clarity and confidence
Doesn't the world feel unpredictable?? Disruptive events seem to lurk around every corner. It’s almost like it’s getting crazier and...

Apr 17, 20242 min read
Deciding vs articulating what's mission-critical
Your team comes to you with a list, and I mean, a BIG list, of initiatives, deliverables and projects. They want to know how to tackle...

Jan 19, 20242 min read
What The Lorax and Dr Seuss teaches us about strategic decision-making
The Lorax is one of my favourite kids books. Probably because it is all about short term vs long term thinking, environmental...

Jan 3, 202413 min read
Reflections on 2023: The year of mostly being useless
☕ Grab a cuppa and make yourself comfy... this is a longer blog than usual. Ooooh my gosh, was I excited about 2023. In 2022, my...

Oct 17, 20234 min read
Five reasons to crack into a juicy, nutritious, nutty workshop
Anyone who knows me or reads my stuff knows I love a good metaphor 😊 Recently, I was busy organising the brochure and website for my new...

Oct 3, 20234 min read
Strategic thinking, execution, and breakfast choices
I was chatting with a colleague at an event recently. She said, "oh yes we've been trying to get some interest in your programme, but...

Sep 20, 20234 min read
Organisations are like big ships
On this beautiful day I'm watching this container ship creeping out of the harbour, and from my limited knowledge of navigation gleaned...

Apr 27, 20239 min read
Seven things I learnt about strategic thinking from having Covid
After avoiding ‘the’ lurgie for 3 years, it finally found me in February 2023. I was spared any unpleasant cold/flu/respiratory symptoms,...

Jan 26, 20237 min read
What I'm All About, What You're All About, And Why It Matters.
Bring on 2023! Wow, it's amazing what a month's holiday can do! I hope you're all coming back feeling as refreshed as I do, even if you...

Dec 15, 20224 min read
Phew! What a year...
I don't know about you, but this year has been a huge one for me. I don't think I'm the only one. It seems like the combination of a lot...

Nov 8, 20224 min read
The muddiest adventure...
Each year I participate in an adventure race with my sister-in-laws. I'm incredibly blessed to have three amazing sister-in-laws who are...

Oct 3, 20223 min read
Complexity - seeing more of our strategic space
Have you ever been in a nasty accident or a near-miss situation? If so, you might have had that experience of your memory of the incident...

Jun 13, 20222 min read
Creating a common language and why strategic thinking is not just for CEO's
Gosh, it's so easy to lose sight of priorities when everything seems urgent, isn't it?? I'm working with an organisation at the moment...

Oct 22, 20212 min read
Are you fighting fires?
Even at the best of times, our brains are not wired for thinking strategically, they are wired to fight fires. Our survival instinct...

Jan 22, 20213 min read
Obama on tough decision-making
"Everything I learned about making impossible decisions during the first two years of my presidency culminated in one of the toughest...

Nov 12, 20203 min read
What use is strategic thinking? | Deciding
Most of us are paid to think. We are paid to make decisions, and decisions require thinking. The better our thinking, the better our...
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